Each day of the GeoSpatial Summer School 2024 on GIScience & Health (G3S Health 2024) will be supervised by experts from the field of GIScience and health/communication of health data/economics of health and similar.
Lukas Marek
Lukas received his PhD from Palacký University Olomouc (Czechia), and he has been member of University of Canterbury, Christchurch (New Zealand) since 2015; working on several positions – postdoc fellow, researcher, or GeoHealth Lab member at Geospatial Research Institute. His research is driven by the idea that integrating Spatial Data Science and (health) geography that can improve public health interventions and improve population health and well-being outcomes
Michal Menšík
Michal is currently working at Department of Public Health, Palacký University Olomouc (Czechia), where he’s responsible for teaching of several economics- and statistics-related subjects for future medicine doctors. His expertise focuses on the use of mathematical models in the management accounting environment, as well as on performance measurement and management of small and medium-sized enterprises. Thanks to his professional participation in projects combining economics and geoinformatics, he is familiar with the geographical aspects of various economic topics. With his current position at the faculty of medicine, he has a lot to say in the field of health economics.
Jiří Šmída
Jiří is currently head of the Department of Geoinformatics and Didactics of Inofrmatics at Technical University of Liberec (Czechia). He participated or led two recently finished projects in the „health“ domain – one dealing with sustainable healthcare waste management:, and the other with addressing epidemic and emergency incidents by including an aspect of spatiality. It focuses, among other things, on how to streamline epidemic surveillance procedures and decide on measures to address epidemic events. Equally important is the communication of scientific findings to the public, and Jiří is also working hard on this.
Julie Mokrá
Julie is a member of the Institute of Mechatronics and Computer Engineering at Technical University of Liberec (Czechia) and she focuses, among other topics, on subjects such as infodemia and its impact on the communication of emergencies and epidemics. She also specializes in health informatics, health economics and management, and health economics.